Monday, 14 February 2011

Colourin page 3....

Been flat out this last week colouring, not something im very fond of. It always takes me awhile to get into it but then I stops being a chore and becomes enjoyable. I think part of the problem comes from tackling it all yourself, you get sick looking at it, but with page I found myself quite excited earlier. I was worried a week or two ago that my decision to not put in any blacks when inking was weakening the images, but now with "some" added blacks and a touch of dramatic lighting I can see it strengthening and am alot happier with it. So here what ive got done one page 3 over the last 2 nights....

On other news, Ive done a shot blog interview for Daniel Clifford along with several of the other artists contributing to the Newcastle based anthology "Sugar Glider" you can check out here.

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