Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Jumping ahead....

...always do it. Cant just go the proper route and do all me character design then location reference. No. I get an idea for a page, or rather Danny gets an idea for a page and I have to do it. What I'm going on about is Hunter, a very re-occurring name on this blog as of lately. Danny had this idea earlier for the opener, so I had to rough it out-Digitally. I think for all thats in it is, its luring you in, opening the door to the story so to say, shining a little light on whats possibly up ahead-thats what got me anyways.


  1. Gio

    Definitely intriguing...

  2. Cheers Neil, I was quite pleased with it cause it didnt take very long to do, still a rough but. Showed it to Danny and he just wanted to see what was behind the door. Even though he's writing it. HA!
